WhatsApp has introduced new features and design improvements to provide more creative options for private chats. The Meta-owned instant messaging platform now offers 30 different visual effects for users to edit their videos and photos in chats. The app also makes it easier to create stickers from selfies to enhance engagement on the platform. Sticker packs can now also be shared directly to chats. Further, WhatsApp has added a new shortcut for reacting to a chat.

WhatsApp Adds New Features

Through a blog post on Tuesday WhatsApp announced its new updates and features for 2025. The popular messaging platform now lets you add 30 backgrounds filters and effects for your photos and videos.

The filters and backgrounds feature was announced for WhatsApp video calls in October last year and now it has now been expanded to WhatsApp’s camera. These filters can adjust colour or change backgrounds. WhatsApp’s major rival in the messaging space, Snapchat, already offers this feature.

Secondly, WhatsApp users can now turn their selfie straight into a sticker by tapping on the Sticker icon. You can tap on the Create sticker and you will see the camera option to click a selfie on the spot and create your sticker. The selfie stickers feature is currently only available on WhatsApp for Android and is confirmed to roll out to iOS soon.

Further, WhatsApp is adding a way to directly share sticker packs in chats. Finally, WhatsApp is adding a new way to react to a message by double-tapping it and quickly scrolling through your most-used reactions. This is a simplified UI than the existing tapping and holding method for reacting to chat. 


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