Samsung Galaxy S25 series is rumoured to be launched in January 2025 and the Galaxy S25 Ultra is expected to be the top-of-the-line handset in the series. As per a recent report, the flagship handset will come with support for seamless software updates, leveraging Android’s A/B over-the-air (OTA) update system. This is said to allow the user to continue using the purported Galaxy S25 Ultra even when the update is being installed without any downtime.
Seamless Software Updates on Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra
In a report, Android Authority claimed to see some leaked files of the purported Galaxy S25 Ultra through which, they can confirm that it will support Android’s A/B OTA update system. While the internal files were related to the top-of-the-line smartphone in the series, the publication speculates that it also applies to the Galaxy S25 and the Galaxy S25 Plus — the other two handsets in Samsung’s flagship smartphone series.
This revelation corroborates previous claims by tipster @chunvn8888, who first claimed about the purported Samsung Galaxy S25 series supporting seamless software updates in November.
On Android, the A/B update system works via two separate partitions on the system storage. Once triggered, the update’s installation begins on the inactive ‘B’ partition while the smartphone’s system retains its functionality running on the ‘A’ partition. It is claimed to have multiple benefits. For starters, it enables users to keep using their device during the software update process, with the only downtime being when it reboots into the updated disk partition. Even if the update fails or the handset encounters an error, it reboots into the old partition or OS, reducing the chances of it falling into an inactive state which is commonly referred to as ‘bricking’. Users can then choose to reattempt the software update install.
The report also suggests that the purported Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra with the model number SM-S938 will be equipped with Qualcomm’s latest Snapdragon 8 Elite chipset, which is the flagship mobile SoC in the market.