Originally a spinoff series from the Shin Megami Tensei series, Persona has arguably become the more popular and known name among gamers. This series set itself apart by combining the monster-catching elements of the best Pokémon games with a deep and satisfying turn-based combat system. But the real kicker is the engrossing story and lovable characters you spend so many hours with. Now that we’re several years out from Persona 5, and even from the Royal edition, everyone is looking toward the next entry in one of the best JRPG series out there. Let’s level up our Social Links and share all the information we have about Persona 6.

Release date window

Atlus and Sega haven’t given any indication on when Persona 6 could be released. Some rumors and leaks suggest it could be within the next two years, but there’s no way to be sure. The only thing we have regarding Persona 6 is an interview for Persona 3: Dancing in Moonlight where series producer Kazuhisa Wada stated: “We are working on mid-to-long term plans, including new numbered entries, so that fans can constantly enjoy the Persona series starting next year.”


The Persona series used to be exclusive to PlayStation, but new entries have all come to most every platform, and we expect that to continue with Persona 6. There’s a chance it might be a timed exclusive for PlayStation, but it seems safe to say Atlus will bring it to every platform eventually.


Sorry, but there’s no footage or even concept art of Persona 6 in the wild.


New Persona games will make some changes to the formula, but it shouldn’t be drastically different than Persona 5. You can expect turn-based battles, demon negotiation and fusing, some calendar system, and a host of characters to bond with.


It will be a long time before Persona 6 preorders show up. Check back here for when more information shows up, and we’ll keep you up to date.

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