Lava Blaze Duo will be unveiled in India soon. The company has announced the launch date of the handset and revealed the design, colour options and key features of the handset. The RAM variants of the upcoming smartphone have been confirmed alongside the main display, camera, chipset, battery and OS details. It will come with a secondary display placed on the rear panel, similar to the design of the Lava Agni 3 model, which was launched in India in October. 

Lava Blaze Duo India Launch Date

The Lava Blaze Duo will launch in India on December 16 at 12pm IST, an Amazon microsite has revealed. This suggests that the phone will be available for purchase in the country via the e-commerce site. It will be offered in two colourways — Arctic White and Celestial Blue. 

The design of the Lava Blaze Duo shows that the handset will come with dual displays, including a smaller, rectangular secondary screen on the rear panel. It is similar to the design of the Lava Agni 3, which launched with a secondary 1.74-inch AMOLED touchscreen alongside a 6.78-inch 120Hz 1.5K main AMOLED display.

Lava Blaze Duo Specifications, Features

The Lava Blaze Duo will be equipped with a 6.67-inch 3D curved AMOLED main display with a 120Hz refresh rate. At the back, it will carry a 1.58-inch secondary AMOLED screen. The handset will be powered by a MediaTek Dimensity 7025 5G chipset, which is said to have an AnTuTu score of more than 5,00,000.

The Amazon listing suggests that the Lava Blaze Duo will support 6GB and 8GB of LPDDR5 RAM. These variants can support an additional 6GB and 8GB of virtual RAM expansion, respectively. The handset is confirmed to support 128GB of UFS 3.1 onboard storage. The phone will run on ‎Android 14-based UI out-of-the-box. It is confirmed to upgrade to Android 15.

For optics, the Lava Blaze Duo will include a 64-megapixel main rear camera sensor and a 16-megapixel selfie shooter. The phone will pack a 5,000mAh battery with 33W wired fast charging support. For security, the handset will be equipped with an in-display fingerprint sensor.

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