Huawei Watch GT 5 Pro has made its way to India, after being unveiled at an event in Barcelona in September. The wearable is equipped with a 1.43-inch AMOLED screen, an IP69K rating against dust and water ingress, and a claimed battery life of up to 14 days. The watch supports several health monitoring features including menstrual cycle and sleep cycle tracking. It will join the Huawei Watch GT 5, which was launched in India in 46mm and 41mm sizes.

Huawei Watch GT 5 Pro Price in India, Availability

Huawei Watch GT 5 Pro price in India starts at Rs. 29,999 for the sports edition with a black silicone strap. Meanwhile, the classic edition with a titanium strap is listed at Rs. 39,999. The watch is available for purchase in the country in a 46mm option via Flipkart. It is listed on Amazon as well.

Huawei Watch GT 5 Pro Specifications, Features

Huawei Watch GT 5 Pro sports a 1.43-inch AMOLED screen with 466 x 466 pixels resolution and a sapphire glass coating. The global variant is available in 42mm and 46mm sizes. However, in India, the watch is listed in only the 46mm option. The watch has a rotating crown, a 5 ATM rating, and an IP69K-rated build against dust and water ingress.

The smart wearable comes equipped with more than 100 preset sports modes. The Huawei Watch GT 5 Pro supports heart rate, sleep as well as menstrual cycle tracking among many other health and wellness monitoring features. It also carries an accelerometer, ambient light sensor, barometer, depth sensor, gyroscope, magnetometer, and temperature sensor.

As per Huawei, the Watch GT 5 Pro offers a battery life of up to 14 days. Meanwhile, with the Always-On Display feature enabled, the watch is said to last for up to five days on a single charge. Connectivity options include Wi-Fi-, GPS, Bluetooth 5.2 and BR+BLE. It uses a new Sunflower Positioning System for better tracking, says Huawei. The watch body measures 46.3 x 46.3 x 10.9 mm in size and weighs 53g.

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