Sometimes, you get to take a break from taking down huge monsters and go hunting for the little creatures. Both the Dareel and Samin Research Report side quests in Monster Hunter Wilds have you track down and capture Endemic Life, but unless you’ve already spotted one before, finding their whereabouts can be tricky.
As you play the main story and unlock new areas, you’ll also find more of these capture quests, of which there are six total. To ensure that you don’t get lost trying to spot these little creatures and that you’re hunting in the right areas, here’s how to complete all of the Dareel and Samin Research Report side quests in Monster Hunter Wilds.
How to complete Dareel and Samin Research Report quests
Dareel’s Research Report: Capture a Tracktail Lizard
The first quest you’ll unlock is at Base Camp in the Windward Plains. Speak to Dareel in his tent, and he’ll request that you find a Tracktail Lizard, which are typically around the desert area of this region. Start your search around the Oasis (Area 13), and keep an eye out for small lizards with large tails.
Once you find one that looks like how we described, equip your capture net and grab it. Taking it back to Dareel will reward you with 10 Honey and 50 Guild points.
Samin’s Research Report: Capture a Dapperwing
After completing Dareel’s first quest, you can eventually start Samin’s first report at Base Camp in the Windward Plains in the same tent. He’ll ask that you find and capture a Dapperwing, which are native to the Scarlet Forest, most often during the daytime.
Change to that region and search around Area 2 or Area 6, although you’ll probably find these green birds in a few different places. Always look up to the trees, as they’ll typically be perched on branches. Take one back to Samin after capturing it, and he’ll give you five Honey, 10 Blue Mushrooms, and 50 Guild Points.
Dareel’s Research Report (Cont.): Capture an Ember Rufflizard
Dareel’s second report comes next, and he’ll request that you find and capture an Ember Rufflizard. You can find these creatures in the Oilwell Basin near areas with lava, such as Area 15, at the lowest level of the region.
You can’t miss these lizards, as they’re iridescent and glow a bright green color. Now just do what you’re best at, capture it in your net, and bring it back to Dareel. He’ll reward you with 10 Might Seeds, five Honey, and 100 Guild Points.
Samin’s Research Report (Cont.): Capture a Rime Beetle
Next up, Samin will request another creature for you to catch, this time the Rime Beetle. The only spot where you can find Rime Beetles is the Iceshard Cliffs. We’ve been able to spot them in Area 2 and Area 7.
You’ll know what they look like when you see these small beetles pushing around balls of snow. Unfortunately, you’ll have to interrupt their hard work, so capture one and give it to Samin for 10 Mandragora, five Honey, and 100 Guild Points.
Dareel’s Special Research Report: Capture a Gillopod
For Dareel’s final side quest, he’ll task you with finding and capturing a Gillopod. You can only find these creatures in the Ruins of Wysteria when the environment is Plenty (you can change the environment after reaching High Rank and beating the main campaign). These strange creatures will be crawling on the walls in areas such as Area 2.
Look around at the walls for the Gillopods slithering across, and capture them in your net. For your valiant efforts, Dareel will give you 10 Snow Herbs, five Honey, and a whopping 300 Guild Points.
Samin’s Special Research Report: Capture a Sandstar
The sixth and final quest research report side quest will come from Samin, and this time, you’ll be looking for the Sandstar. You’ll have to wait until it’s nighttime and when the environment is Plenty to find these creatures, so wait it out or change the time of day in your tent (only available after reaching High Rank and beating the main campaign).
On top of that, Samin tells you they are sensitive to noise, so that’s your cue to bring along a Screamer Pod. You can get Screamer Pods by using your hook slinger on Baunos, who are in the Windward Plains. Once you get one, equip it onto your slinger, then find a sandstar in around the same dune area that you found Tracktail Lizards in Area 13.
Sandstars are small, blue-glowing creatures that roam the sandy dunes of the Plains. Get as close as you can to it without it running too far away, then use the Screamer Pod to temporarily stun it. Now’s your chance, so run up and capture it with your net. Bring the creature to Samin, and he’ll give you five Herbs, 10 Honey, and 300 Guild Points.